
My Favorite Wine Inspired Shirts

Lately I have seen the shelves of clothing stores stocked with t-shirts with cute and witty sayings like “Oh Kale No!” or “Body by Pizza” and “Namast’ay in Bed”.  My favorites are the t-shirts with cute wine graphics and puns. Here is a list of my favorite wine inspired graphic shirts. (1) Wino Saur Tank.… Continue reading My Favorite Wine Inspired Shirts


What to Keep in Your Hurricane Preparedness Pack

Hurricane Hermine just passed by and we luckily did not get any damage in our area. Just a few tree branches here and there and some yard flooding. We were not kayaking down the streets and we didn’t wake up with a tree in our bedroom, but we were prepared if we did! A hurricane… Continue reading What to Keep in Your Hurricane Preparedness Pack


A Wine From Each Olympic Continent

North America  North America is known for it’s success in basketball, swimming, gymnastics, volleyball and triathlon events in the summer Olympics. These Olympics have already brought a lot of gold medals to this continent through swimming. Too bad that pool wasn’t full of wine. I would earn a gold medal for drinking it! There are… Continue reading A Wine From Each Olympic Continent


Giant Double Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Sundays remind me of chocolate chip muffins. When I was younger my dad would go run on Sunday mornings and afterwards come home with goodies from Einstein Bros. Bagels. I would always request their chocolate chip muffin which was a colossal mound of ooey gooey goodness with large pieces of sugar on top. The only… Continue reading Giant Double Chocolate Chunk Muffins