So Adam went out of town this past week (found out 2 days in advance… but I am trying not to complain) and I was like “What am I going to do with myself?” and “OMG I have to take care of Zoey (our dog) by myself!” and then I was like “OMG I have to take care of myself and cook for myself!” Yea to sum it up I am spoiled by my husband and don’t know how to live without him, but somehow I do. I tried to take a positive approach to the situation and came up with this list of things I should do (and did!) while he was gone. I am not trying to be a needy wifey wife in this post nor am I trying to be a feminist, I am just trying to be happy while my best friend (who happens to be male and is legally wed to me) is gone for the week.
(1) Drink Wine Pop open a bottle and celebrate with that “Jesus Juice” as Brandi from the Dallas Housewives calls it, which leads me to my next suggestion…
(2) Watch a chick flick and every other girly TV show you can! Now is the time to do it without the judgement or the complaints. I have been watching the Housewives and super old Marilyn Monroe (How to Marry a Millionaire) and Audrey Hepburn (Breakfast at Tiffany’s
) movies (LOVE THEM!!! MY NEW FAVE GALS) I wish I had some friends like them…which leads me to my next idea…

(3) Hang out with friends I am sure your friends miss you and want to see you apart from your husband so now is the perfect time! Contact them!
(4) Plan his birthday Even if it is 11 months away you have the time to do it now without him snooping so plan it! You can even plan what you are going to get him for Christmas now!!! I am still in love with the 1920’s Gatsby style and I think Adam would look great with this Stuhrling Classic Gatsby Plaza Watch and these Ray-Ban Gatsby Sunglasses
when we head out on the town!
(5) Work out What better way to pass the time by yourself and you will blow him away with your body when he returns! This Pure Barre workout from Greatist below is fun to do
(6) Eat out That new sushi place is calling you to order take out. Try it out and if it’s amazing take your man there. Go out with your family or friends to distract you from eating alone at home. I’m sure his company is paying for all his meals so you can splurge while hes gone on food for yourself!
(7) Pamper yourself Go get a pedicure or even do your nails yourself. Give yourself a facial, take a bubble bath or get a massage. When he returns he will find you relaxed and beautiful! This Manicure Pedicure Set is perfect for your DIY spa.
(8) Learn something new Preferably something that will blow him away when he returns. Try learning a new and fancy recipe or a learn some new DIY tricks. I am sure he will appreciate it when he returns. I learned how to make cold brew coffee (Adam doesn’t drink coffee but I am sure he will be happy that I LOVE my home brewed cold brew!)

(9) Take up the whole bed Yea that’s right you have the whole bed to yourself now so spread out. I have a King sized bed and you bet that I spread my whole body out on that thing. It’s hard enough falling asleep without him so use that space to comfort yourself. I even uses his pillows. Yea I get greedy.

(10) Send him love texts He misses you just as much as you miss him so let him know that you love him and you are waiting for him to come home! don’t go overboard with them, he doesn’t want to be smothered.
Well crap… now I want to be a housewife and never have children. Is that selfish of me? Probably but I don’t care right now… wine agrees with me.