Last year for Easter my mom bought my sister and I each a cute Piccadilly Picnic Basket with Service for Two. I have only used it once since I received it and want to use it again to kick off the spring season with a fun picnic in the park. So I made a list of what to pack in your picnic basket so you can get some ideas for your own spring picnic! This is a lot of food, so I wouldn’t pack all of this in your basket, just choose a few of the ideas below and you will have the perfect amount for a yummy lunch. OR you could choose all of the options and give one of your amazing friends a picnic basket gift overfilling with amazingness!

(1) Wine DUH! I am using the Pacificana Chardonnay I received in my Club W box this month. Chardonnay pairs well with a lot of different cheese varieties, which brings me to my second picnic basket suggestion…
(2) Cheese What goes better with wine than cheese?! I bought Colby Jack and a cranberry cinnamon goat cheese for sandwiches and to spread on crackers. Click HERE for a good site for wine and cheese pairing suggestions.
(3) Sausage or lunch meats. Slice up some summer sausage and layer it with cheese on a cracker or use it in your sandwich. If you want a healthier option buy some sliced turkey breast instead!
(4) Baguette or crackers…. or both! Slice the cheese and sausage to add to a sandwich or top a cracker.
(5) Fresh fruit Fruit is a healthy snack to have during your picnic. I use fruit to replace a heavy dessert. I chose grapes and strawberries.
(6) Olives Grab a toothpick and layer it with sausage, cheese and an olive for an easy antipasti snack.
(7) Jelly Spread cream cheese or brie on a cracker and top with some jelly and you are set. If you want to kick it up a notch this Jalapeno pepper jelly is amazing!!
(8) Fresh vegetables I like carrots, cauliflower, celery and sweet peppers for a healthy snack.
(9) Hummus You can use hummus as a condiment to spread onto your sandwich or dip your fresh vegetables. This Avocado Hummus recipe pairs well with the Chardonnay!
(10) Mixed nuts The perfect protein packed snack to have in your picnic basket. No slicing, dicing or layering required. Just pop open the can and enjoy. This is an easy snack to take along for your picnic, unless you buy the nuts that are still in the shell…
Pack your basket and find the perfect spot in the grass or picnic table to spread out your blanket. Enjoy your company and being outdoors for your yummy meal. Happy Spring to you all!!!